Berkeley Little League is an all volunteer organization
"Built By Volunteers, Ran By Volunteers"
Work Bond checks are required for all players’ families, one per family.
This would also include all Managers, & Assistant Coaches.
As a League we do not want to cash work bond checks, WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Berkeley Little League is run entirely by volunteers. There is a great deal of work that happens “on and off the field" to have this league operate successfully. As an ALL volunteer organization, in addition to getting your kids to practices and games, a big part of this league is volunteering. In order to encourage volunteer participation from our parents and to be equitable to all families, the league has a Work Bond Program. During our uniform pickup events (Dates & Times TBD), each family will be required to bring and submit a MANDATORY Work Bond check (one per family). The amount of the Work Bond is $200 and should be posted date 8/1/2025. This work bond check is REQUIRED to be submitted in order to receive your Uniform Jersey and Hat.
We do offer a pre-pay option: This is only available during the registration checkout process that gives each family the ability to prepay your work bond hours at a discounted rate of $175. This option is for those families that prefer not to complete any work bond volunteer hours. See Q&A below for more details.
Please Note:
Players will not receive their team uniform jersey or hat until their family's Work Bond Pre-Payment or Post Dated Check has been received.
Each family is required to fulfill four (4) hours in order to satisfy the work bond requirement by July 31st. Families who do not meet their volunteer requirements and/or submit the Berkeley Little League Work Bond Tracking Form by July 31st will forfeit that season's work bond. In addition, it is the responsibility of the parents / guardians / families to maintain and keep in their possession to track and submit the Berkeley Little League Tracking Form by the deadline July 31st.
The League wants every family to fulfill their Work Bond obligation by volunteering, we truly do not want to have to cash a work bond check. A list of volunteer work bond opportunities will be emailed throughout the season. Volunteer opportunities include: Opening day activities, tournaments, fundraising, Spring clean-ups, field maintenance, managing, coaching, and team parent (limited to one manager and three coaches/team parents per team).
Please Note: All volunteer hours must be approved by a board member.
Once the Spring season is completed, each family that has fulfilled its volunteer obligation four (4) hours and submitted the Berkeley Little League Work Bond Tracking Form will have their work bond check shredded.
Bond Checks are: $200 (Posted dated 8/1/2025)
Made payable to: Berkeley Little League or BLL
In Memo write: Work Bond and Players name
Unlike years past we now will be conducting a uniform pickup (Dates and Times TBD). During this uniform pickup, parents / guardians will bring their work bond check with them. Then you would be allowed to take your uniform jersey and hat home. Without the work bond check being submitted, no uniform jersey or hat will be handed out. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Download Work Bond Tracking Form HERE
Work Bond Questions & Answers
What is the purpose of the work bond?
Berkeley Little League is a 100% volunteer organization, including the Board of Directors. The work bond encourages our families to volunteer and help maintain our Little League program and facility. Your volunteer work hours help to maintain the level of excellence that we have achieved and maintained for years.
How much is the work bond?
The work bond is $200
What if I decided to prepay the work bond hours during registration?
First, the prepay option at registration is discounted to $175.00. This is an extra line item during your checkout process at registration. If you do not remember if you did this, please email [email protected] for verification. If you decided to prepay your work bond hours during registration you will have to do nothing. You DO NOT have to hand in a work bond check, or do any volunteer hours. We thank you for your donation!
Does everyone pay the work bond?
Yes, bond checks are required for all players’ families including Managers, and Coaches.
How do I keep track of my volunteer hours?
You will need to download and print our Work Bond Tracking Form. Download by CLICKING HERE. The tracking form is responsibility of each individual family. The league will not be responsible for lost or misplaced forms.
When is my work bond refunded?
Families who complete their four (4) hours of volunteer work will have their check shredded after August 1st.
What happens if I choose not to volunteer?
If you choose not to meet your commitment, you will forfeit the bond to the league and your check will be deposited.
How do I satisfy the Work Bond requirements?
A list of volunteer work bond opportunities will be emailed throughout the season. Volunteer opportunities include: Opening day activities, tournaments, fundraising, field clean-ups, field maintenance, managing, coaching.
Skills & Drills: Parents / Guardians / Families who participate and help with coaching will have their work bond fulfilled.
T-Ball: Team Manager, and three (3) assistant coaches per team.
Farm: Team Manager, and three (3) assistant coaches per team.
Minors: Team Manager, and two (2) assistant coaches per team.
Majors: Team Manager, and two (2) assistant coaches per team.
How do I submit my completed work bond tracking form?
It is the volunteer’s responsibility to properly document & keep track of the volunteer hours you have given to the League. Upon completion of your obligation, you must have your time sheet validated by a member of the Board. DO NOT GIVE YOUR WORK BOND TIME-SHEET TO YOUR MANAGER! You must turn in your completed, signed work bond sheet by dropping off to the mailbox inside the VCC (Next To Snack Stand Door), OR You may scan and email the completed work bond tracking form to [email protected]. We suggest making a copy of your completed timesheet before dropping off in the VCC mailbox. Completed work bond forms are due no later than July 31, 2025. If you fail to submit your completed work bond form by this date, you will forfeit your work bond to the League. No exceptions will be made. Work bonds will not be carried over to the following season
If I forfeit my Work Bond how will those funds be used? These monies will be used for equipment, field maintenance and capital improvements. However, we would rather you satisfy your family's volunteer responsibilities.
Any questions regarding the work bond can be directed to [email protected]